
           Let's put the FUN in Fundraising!!

PJHSA has a number of different fundraising activities throughout the year.  Some of them include a Krispy Kreme donut sale, a Pasty sale in February, a hot dog and baked goods sale at Tractor Supply in May along with a number of additional events.  If you are interested in joining the fundraising team or if you have fundraising ideas, please contact Shelby Simmons at shelbylsimmons@yahoo.com

As a 501(c)3 non profit organization, Penn Jersey Horse Show Association relies heavily on fundraising and donations.  Please check back to this page periodically as we hold FUNdraisers throughout the year!  

Amazon Smiles is an ongoing campaign for PJHSA! Please copy and paste this link into your browser and shop! .5% of every purchase comes back to PJHSA! http://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-2216560.
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©2018 Penn Jersey Horse Show Association